
Showing posts from November, 2018


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What Are Prepositions? A preposition is a word that usually tells where or when something is in relation to something else. Examples of Prepositions that Tell Us Where Here are some examples of prepositions that tell us  where  something is in relation to something else (prepositions highlighted): the boy  behind  the bush (Here, the preposition "behind" tells us where "the boy" is in relation to "the bush.") a mouse  under  the stairs (In this example, the preposition "under" tells us where "a mouse" is in relation to "the stairs.") Examples of Prepositions that Tell Us When Here are some examples of prepositions that tell us  when  something is in relation to something else (prepositions highlighted): the calm  before  the storm (Here, the preposition "before" tells us when "the calm" is in relation to "the storm.") one second  after  the bang (In this example, the preposition "after&quo