
What Are Prepositions?

A preposition is a word that usually tells where or when something is in relation to something else.

Examples of Prepositions that Tell Us Where

Here are some examples of prepositions that tell us where something is in relation to something else (prepositions highlighted):
  • the boy behind the bush
  • (Here, the preposition "behind" tells us where "the boy" is in relation to "the bush.")
  • a mouse under the stairs
  • (In this example, the preposition "under" tells us where "a mouse" is in relation to "the stairs.")

Examples of Prepositions that Tell Us When

Here are some examples of prepositions that tell us when something is in relation to something else (prepositions highlighted):
  • the calm before the storm
  • (Here, the preposition "before" tells us when "the calm" is in relation to "the storm.")
  • one second after the bang
  • (In this example, the preposition "after" tells us when "one second" is in relation to "the bang.")
As we've seen, prepositions can tell us where or when something is. However, prepositions are far more versatile than that. The word "preposition" means "positioned before." A preposition sits before a word (either a noun or a pronoun) to show that word's relationship to another nearby word. Look at these examples:

  • a bone for the dog
  • (Here, the preposition "for" sits before the noun "the dog" to show the relationship between "the dog" and "a bone." This example is not about where or when.)
  • everyone except the teacher
  • (In this example, the preposition "except" sits before the noun "the teacher" to show the relationship between "the teacher" and "everyone." So, this example is not about where or when either.)

List of Common Prepositions

Here is a list of common prepositions:

above, about, across, against, along, among, around, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, beyond, by, down, during, except, for, from, in, inside, into, like, near, of, off, on, since, to, toward, through, under, until, up, upon, with, within

Some Easy Examples of Prepositions

In the examples below, each preposition (highlighted) sits before the noun "the wizard" to show us the relationship between "the wizard" and "the book."
  • The book about the wizard
  • The book by the wizard
  • The book near the wizard
  • The book behind the wizard
  • The book under the wizard
Here are some more examples:
  • It is a container for butter.
  • (The preposition "for" shows the relationship between "butter" and "a container.")
  • The eagle soared above the clouds.
  • (The preposition "above" shows the relationship between "the clouds" and "the eagle.")
  • He is the President of the United States.
  • (The preposition "of" shows the relationship between "the United States" and "the President.")

Prepositions of time and place, exercises and explanation

More prepositions here.


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