Tiempos Gramaticales 1


Futuro simple: se utiliza cuando se planea una acción para el futuro.

Sujeto + la forma del verbo "to be" + going + la forma infinitivo del verbo + complemento.

I am going to call you tomorrow.

You are going to listen to music later.

We are going to study English every week.

Presente progresivo: se utuliza para una acción que está sucediendo ahora mismo.

Sujeto + la forma del verbo "to be" +verbo + -ing + complemento.

I am eating my lunch.

She is reading a book.

You are watching T.V.

Pasado simple: se utiliza para una acción que comenzó y terminó en el pasado.

Sujeto + el verbo en pasado + complemento.

Agregar "-ed" a la base de un verbo regular o en el caso de los verbos irregulares, usar la forma del pasado simple. 

I ate breakfast at 8 o'clock.

You watched the movie yesterday afternoon.

He drank milk with his dinner.

Introduction to verbs

Irregular verbs

Simple future (to be + going + infinitive) - facts, scheduled events and plans in the future

Present progressive (to be + verb + ing) - an action happening in the moment

Simple past - an action that started and ended in the past

regular, irregular

Part 1  

to eat

to drink

to read

to write

to watch

to call

to take

to give

to buy

to sell

to open

to close

to listen

Part 2

to go

to come

to sit

to stand

to cook

to ask

to play

to tell

to work

to repair

to study

to bring

to pick up

to put 

to meet

Part 3

to drive

to dance

to want

to know

to teach

to visit

to think

to like

to plan

to travel

to talk

to need

to make

to do

Part 4

to sing

to walk

to feel

to cut

to have

to sleep

to send

to run

to see

to wear

to lie

to argue

to help

to pay


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