
Showing posts from September, 2024

Modal Verbs

  Modal verbs The modal verbs are:  can may must shall will could might should would We use modals to show if we believe something is  certain, possible or impossible : My keys  must  be in the car. It  might  rain tomorrow. That  can't  be Peter's coat. It's too small. We also use them to do things like talk about  ability ,  ask permission , and  make requests and offers : I  can't  swim. May  I ask a question? Could  I have some tea, please? Would  you like some help? : One definition of modal from M-W -  of, relating to, or constituting a grammatical form or category characteristically indicating predication of an action or state in some manner other than as a simple fact possibility, ability, permission, obligation, and condition Grammar monster explains   Had better Modal verbs - quiz , an interactive worksheet by mada_1 live

Phrasal Verbs

Speak up! A phrasal verb is a phrase that typically consists of a verb and one or two prepositions (remember  -  prepositions link one element of a sentence to another or function as connectors to show location or direction; connector - are you interested in classical music?; location - the book is in my backpack.) Preposition as part of a phrasal verb: I am going to turn in (go to bed). Sometimes it makes more specific the literal meaning of the verb: sleep in - sleep later than usual; eat out - eat outside the home At times it is completely unrelated to the literal meaning of the verb: call off - cancel; stand for - represent, or when negative, not tolerate  A phrasal verb functions like a single word     Phrasal verb: I ran into (met unexpectedly) an old friend yesterday.     Simple verb and preposition: I accidently ran into someone on the sidewalk. Transitive verbs require a direct object - you must look up something , phone number or definition, otherwise it's a simple

Dictionaries and other on-line references

  The Free Dictionary Urban Dictionary for Slang Cambridge Dictionary   Merriam Webster

Past participles as adjectives

  Irregular verbs as past participles

Review of to be - affirmative, negative & questions, present & past

  to be past tense 6 to be past tense 7 forming questions was were wasn't weren't