Possessive Pronouns (Potter House text)

At the University

We made some changes to the passage in your text; below is the edited version. 

     My name is John McGregor.  I am from the United States of America and I live in New York.  I am currently studying at a university.  Its name is St. Mary's School.

     I share a room with Jason and Kathy. They are very good roommates.  In our free time, we share several hobbies: his favorite hobby is playing soccer; I like to spend my free time listening to music; her favorite hobby is watching romantic movies.*  Overall our relationship is respectful.

     Something very different happens with other groups of students.  Their attitude is a little rude.  They are not used to respecting one another.  I think that if you respect someone else's ideas and space it demonstrates politeness, a moral value that all of us should possess. At the end of the day it is your choice to be polite and show respect.

* It is common to hear funny romantic movies referred to as RomComs - short for romantic comedies.  Some current examples are The Big Sick and La La Land.


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