Talking About Superstitions


  • Do you believe in superstitions?
  • Do you believe in luck?
  • Are there certain people, places, things or events that are lucky or unlucky?
  • Do you believe in ghosts or spirits from another dimension?
  • What are some superstitions from your culture?
  • What is the most strange, unbelievable superstition you have ever heard?
  • It is bad luck to put your hat on a bed. Have you ever put your hat on a bed? Do you do that a lot? Do you believe in this superstition? Will you put your hat on a bed now that you know about this superstition?
  • To avoid bad luck, you should knock on wood when good fortune is brought up. Have you seen anyone do this? Have you done this before? What would you knock on if you can’t find wood? Do you believe in this superstition?
  • A ringing ear means someone is thinking about you. Do you think this is true? How will this change your perspective when your ear rings?
  • Breaking a mirror is seven years bad luck. Have you ever broken a mirror? Do you believe in this superstition? Why or why not?
• What is the difference between superstition and science?
• Do you believe in witches?
• Do you believe in ghosts?
• Have you ever seen a ghost?
• Do you usually have good luck or bad luck?

These are some common Western superstitions. Many of them originated during a time when there were no scientific explanations for events that happened. There are still people who continue to believe in superstitions and live their lives according to these beliefs.
  • Baseball Bat - Spit on a new bat when using it for the first time to make it lucky.
  • Bed - It’s bad luck to put a hat on a bed.
  • Bell - When a bell rings, an angel has received its wings.
  • Cats - If a black cat crosses your path, you will have bad luck.
  • Clover - It’s good luck to find a four-leaf clover.
  • Knives - If a friend gives you a knife, you should give him/her a coin.
  • Ladybugs - It is bad luck to kill a ladybug.
  • Ladder - It’s bad luck to walk under a ladder.
  • Mirror - If you break a mirror, it’s seven years bad luck.
  • Salt - If you spill salt you must throw some over your left shoulder.
  • Umbrella - It’s bad luck to open an umbrella in the house.
  • Wood - Knock on wood anytime you mention good fortune.
  • Yawn - Cover your mouth so your soul doesn’t go out of your body.
  • Itchy Ear - Someone is talking about you.
  • Friday the 13th - This day is traditionally unlucky unless you were born on it.


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