Homophone Homograph or Homonym

Homophones sound the same, homographs are spelled the same, and homonyms do both.

  1. After he was sick for several days, his face was ___________________(pail/pale).


  1. She purchased a beautiful new gown _________________(for/four) the dance.


  1. Walking down the _______________(I’ll/aisle/isle) to get married can be scary.


  1. Glass containers have been ________________(band/banned) on the beach.


  1. The baker systematically kneaded the _____________(doe/dough) for the bread.


  1. I’d rather receive my _________________(male/mail) electronically than on paper.


  1. He was considered __________________(bald/bawled) because he had no hair.


  1. We searched everywhere trying to ________________(fined/find) our lost dog.


  1. My favorite stringed instrument is the ___________(base/bass) because it is so big.


  1. The fight __________________(scene/seen) in the movie was extremely exciting!


  1. Though he was already tired, the farmer had to ________(so/sew/sow) the seeds.


  1. Annabella sat on the bottom ________________(stair/stare) without being noticed.


  1. After running out of _____________(flour/flower), the baker had to stop baking.


  1. Fierce winds _________________(blew/blue) all night during the thunderstorm.


  1. Rover sat and scratched the place where the ______________(flea/flee) bit him.


  1. The government has the right to __________(sees/seas/seize) the stolen property



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