Fact Files: Animal Kingdom


-The rainforest, on a hot afternoon. p. 1

This is not a complete sentence as it has no verb. (It does not have a verb.) It is written this way so you will imagine the scene - like in a movie.

-A few minutes have passed, and the snake in the rainforest has eaten the frog. p. 2

The past participle is used here to continue the felling that you are there.  

For most verbs, the past participle is formed by adding -ed or -d to the end of the root form of the verb. For example, the past participle of jump is jumped and the past participle of excite is excited.

-colours p. 7

the British spelling of colors  

- ... animals slowly change, to survive better. (sic) p. 11

There is no need for a comma. (This sentence does not need a comma.)

- What kind of mammals are humans? p. 14

- What is the difference between endothermic and ectothermic? p. 16 Can you name three types of each animal?

- gizzard  p. 20

I think this is tíitiles in Nicaragua and they are one of Stellaluna's favorite foods. 

- bladder p. 27

la cámara de aire

-What are three reasons chameleons change color? p. 34

- tadpole p. 38

el renacuajo

- What does herbivorous mean? p. 38

- Cnidarians p. 48

the C is silent


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